Monday, May 15, 2017

2,000-year-old underground city discovered by scientists looks terrifying( window to past)

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Archaeologist unearthed lost city dated around 2000 years, they make an unexpected and shocking discovery which make them terrifying.

This underground city located nears city if Samen, archaeologist dug out the 50 big rooms which once used as house some 2000 years ago, The discovery displays that archaeology is science which demands extreme paience and time in order to get fruitful result.

After a long time of axcavations 12 years, researchers have announced presence of very large number of artifacts , skeleton and more 50 rooms of various sizes connected by tunnels, built some 2000 years ago approximatley the period of the fall of achaemenid empire (550-330 bc) and the rise of the parthan empire (247BC-224AD).

The parthians adopted alomost everything arts, religious beliefs and language, which encompassed persian, Hellenistic, and regional cultures, However terrifying thing is that 60 skeletons have found during excavation in the complex. Still no one knows why this city was abandoned (after 12 years of research).

window to past

They worshiped Mithra, the ancient iranian god of the sun. Very exciting findings are mark by iranian experts in recent times. They also discovers an underground living chamber carved into mountain in central iran, dating 12th century. Furthermore , In February 2017 , experts found remains of old age observatory which is believed to date back to the sassanian dynasty (224 to 651CSE).

According to experts, it looks like that samen was used for different purpose during different time periods.In its initial stages it was used as a place of religious ceremonies. Later, when Ashkani ruled they used this city as a cemetry and as an emergency shelter. So far, archeaologist have found 50 rooms connected by underground passage (tunnels). The rooms and chambers were built at a depth range from 3 to 6 meters according to families lived there.

The process of excavations will be countinued in future in hope to find more intresting informations about ancient city of iran.

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2,000-year-old underground city discovered by scientists looks terrifying( window to past)

For futsal lover please check my blog on best fustal balls Archaeologist unearthed lost city dated around 2000 years, they make an une...