Tuesday, May 2, 2017

'World's Oldest Man' Dies Aged 146 (window to past)

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A man who claimed to be the world's older person has died, at 146 years old.

The family of Mbah Gotho, from Indonesia, announced he had died after a short stay in hospital last month. Great-great granddad Mbah had outlived four wives, 10 siblings and all of his children.

His family say he was taken to hospital on 12 April but checked himself out six days later so he could be at home. Once home he refused to eat or drink and died a short time later.

Mbah, from Central Java, came forward last year with documentation showing he was born 31 January 1870, making him the oldest person in the world. Naturally, many refused to believe Mbah, who was a heavy smoker, but Indonesian officials claimed the papers were legit.

However, Indonesia only began recording births in 1900, so there's a chance mistakes could have been made before then.

Earlier today his funeral took place in his hometown of Sragen. A tombstone, which had been sat beside his family home for some time, was placed on the grave.

Mbah's grandson, Suyanto, told the BBC: "Since he came back from the hospital, he only ate spoonfuls of porridge and drank very little.

"It only lasted a couple of days. From that moment on to his death, he refused to eat and drink."

He added: "He didn't ask much. Before he died, he just wanted us, his family, to let him go."

Last year, after coming forward as the world's oldest person, Mbah told reporters he had preparing for his death for over 20 years.

"What I want is to die," he said.

He told the BBC the secret to his long life was 'because I have people that love me looking after me'.

The oldest verified person ever to have lived was Jeanne Calment, from France, who lived to be 122.

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