Thursday, May 11, 2017

The affirmation of independence Desk.(window to past)


In 1776 the deposition or disclosure of independence was written on this famous and beautifully design multifunctional desk the "Thomas Jeffereson" The key parts contains of writing board and drawer for different types of stationary.

In the summer season second continental congress decided to disclose thier independence from great britian.The responsibilty was awarded to Thomas jeffereson, a delegation from the state of virginia. Jeffereson wrote that letter of independence which later on declared with some changes.The declaration itself was a model of wrirting and inspiration to present times.

This portable desk remained under use of jefferson throught his life during, job as amercian diplomat and president of united states.Very first document which was written on the this revolutionary desk was "decalartion of independence".The last written notes was "Politics as well as Religion has its superstitions" by Thomsan jefferson.These, gaining strength with time, may, one day, give imaginary value to this relic, for its great association with the birth of the Great Charter of our Independence.

On November 14, 1825, thomas jefferson gifted this desk to grand daughter as a wedding present. Unfortunalely desk lost during its sea voyage and in return was replaced. Coolidge family kept this desk until 1880, then they denote it to USA government. The recieving letter to coolidge family contains of these words

"Jeffereson wrote: Mr. coolidge please do me a favour and this as wedding gift from him. Imaginary value of this desk will increase in coming years, If you lives to my age you may see it as a nation birthday, just like the relics of saints in the chruch".

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